Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Celebrate the Victory

Today is a big day for me in the story of my life. The cd’s are coming today and it marks the completion of a project that started with a big vision years earlier and today I get to hold in my hand the completed product. When I woke up this morning, the discussion in our house did not center on how great a day it is going to be, or how excited I was. Instead, my morning started out with a bullet list of critical issues the needed to be addressed in other areas of my realm of responsibility and they had to be addressed today before I leave on vacation.

Isn’t it just like life to come along and let the air out of your balloon on a day that is marked for celebration?

My general lack of excitement comes from letting urgency of my responsibilities weigh me down, when it would be far better for my soul if I allowed myself to soar today. I have worked hard, dreamed big, persevered through setbacks, and never gave up and that my friends is reason to celebrate. So here is what I am going to do today.
Visualize with me if you will. I am sitting with my family on a mountain very close to the peak. It is a natural spot to stop and rejoice in all the beauty all around me and to celebrate the distance we have climbed so far. The sparkling cider is out, and we are laughing and enjoying the moment. There is activity all around me that is screaming for immediate attention. I am not oblivious to them but I have decided to enjoy the mountain peek first and then when I have celebrated this great victory, I will with a joyful spirit take on the next challenge in front of me.
There will always be things that want our attention but my encouragement to both myself and you the reader is to take time to enjoy the work you have already done. Thank God for giving you the vision, the gifting and the drive to see a vision through to completion and know that God rejoices with you over your victory. Why should I be downcast today, when there is a party going on in heaven over my accomplishment?

Party on!

Pastor Debbie
Living a Life of Worship from the Inside Out.

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