Monday, June 22, 2009

Want a better connection? Lose your bars..

If you have a wireless phone, blackberry, or some other type of pda device, you know that access is important. In the wireless world we live in today, no bars equates to no emails, internet, etc. I recently found out this weekend just how much I had become accustomed to always having that access when we stayed in an area with zero bars, which I found out much to my chagrin that first night. The next morning however, proved to be one of the most delightful times I had experienced in a long while that I would not trade for any amount of cell coverage. Can you guess what we did? Way out in the wilderness with nothing but beautiful mountains all around us, we did something that we used to enjoy on a much more consistent basis before this world of technology. With no link to the outside world we simply sat on the deck and talked. Of course, we were not completely roughing it and coffee was part of the equation, but what a joy to sit and just be with my sweetheart and really connect on so many different levels. We talked about our dreams, our hopes, our future plans. We talked honestly about how we felt about how things were going in every aspect of our lives. We were open about what we had faith for, and what things posed a concern and together we came up with a plan to push through obstacles to get to the place that we want to be.

It was a wonderful weekend of exploration both of the natural beauty all around us but also of the beauty within ourselves and of the spouses that we fell in love with.
We rediscovered how much we enjoy each others company without all the distractions.
I realized once again this weekend how much I thoroughly enjoy the company of my spouse and just how much I need that companionship. My phone can not tell me it loves me and is supporting me. It can’t make me laugh or encourage me to try again when I have failed. I am thankful for all the technology that is available when I am away from family and friends, I love staying connected in that way. I did learn however that the very technology that connects me can distance me.

Get connected today, the old fashioned way.
Face to Face.

Pastor Debbie
Living a Life of Worship from the Inside Out

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